Orthopedic Physical Therapy
Physical therapy involving assessment and treatment of the musculoskeletal injuries or conditions involving areas such as the low back, neck, shoulders, knees, etc. The goal is to improve mobility and strength, reduce pain, restore function and enhance overall quality of life for each and every patient.
Hands on therapies
Cupping, Graston (instrument assisted soft tissue massage), Active Muscle Pumping, Pin and Stretch Techniques.
Functional movement assessments
Assessment of movement patterns, flexibility and strength helping to identify movement deficiencies, imbalances or limitations that may be contributing to symptoms.
Return To Sport
The Return to Sports program is for anyone, whether recreationally all the way to professionally, who wants to return to their desired sport bigger, faster, and stronger than they were prior to the injury. Most importantly, this program has specific components in place that will help to ensure that the likelihood of this injury reoccurring again in the future is as low as physiologically possible
Return To Running
This Return to Running Program has been designed specifically by our running specialists here at Uplifted Physical Therapy. Our running specialists have worked with all levels whether it be recreational runners who want to be able to run their first 5K all the way up to runners competing in ultramarathons trials.
Return To Painfree Lifestyle
No matter what your level of physical activity or exercise is, our therapists will work hard to getting you back to living healthy and strong, without pain. Whether it’s hiking, biking, walking, or just being able to tolerate sitting in your car– it is our priority to give you power back over your everyday life.
What We Offer
Find Real Cause of Your Symptoms
We’ll take you through a comprehensive biomechanical assessment and identify the cause of your problem. Then we’ll explain what must be done to get you back to full speed and back to the activities you enjoy.
Fix Your Problem Areas
We’ll develop a treatment plan that will be tailored specifically to you and your goals. This will ultimately allow us to get you stronger, pain-free, and on track to reach your goals more effectively and efficiently.
Stay At Peak Performance
After we treat your current symptoms, our focus will shift to optimizing your physical health and well-being. We’ll strive to ensure you reach and maintain top condition through preventive strategies going forward.
What People Say About Day by Day Wellness
Just A Few Of The Conditions We Treat Include...
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8 am to 6 pm